“I Know What It’s Like” is Available on Medium

I just published a poem about trauma on Medium, called “I Know What It’s Like-A Poem about Trauma”.

Excerpt is here (so you’ll seriously consider checking it out):

I know what it’s like to live in the dark,

to breathe it in,

to feel myself dying in it,

to try and exist far beyond it…. (read more here!)

Moledro Magazine Issue 5 Release!

I am pleased to inform you that Moledro Magazine, Issue 5 has been released! My two poems, “Pandora’s Box” and “A Flashback” can be found within the magazine. These poems are about my own experience living with the memories of a series of traumatic events and being forced to relive them (PTSD). Although it is a difficult topic to approach altogether, I took care to make sure that no event was explicitly mentioned in either of these poems.

Click here to read my poems. To find a listing of all the issues of Moledro Magazine, click here. All contributor bios, including my own, can be found here.

I hope you all enjoy the magazine! Feel free to comment here, or via the contact form, what you think of my poems: whether you liked them or not, if you can think of any way for me to improve on my future poems, etc. Feedback is welcome and appreciated!

Have a wonderful day, folks!